Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Deep-Fried Kool-Aid

The trend these days seems to be deep-frying. Everything you can think of is being deep-fried, from Oreos to pizza to ice-cream. To take it up a notch, foods that are already rich and flavorful are being deep-fred. This deep-frying craze is never more present than among the American carnival circuit. All across the country, "carnies" are trying to one-up the next with the most outrageous fried creation. It's a stiff competition, but I believe that deep-fried Kool-aid take the prize for most bizarre carnival food.

You need to see these to believe it. These sugary diet disasters are prepared by first combining water flour and Kool-aid powder to form a batter. The batter is then formed into balls and tossed into a deep fryer. Once fried, they are rolled in powder sugar and Kool-aid mix.

This fried-sugar concoction can be considered bizarre because it blurs the line between liquid and solid food. While deep-frying cookies and candy bars may seem over-the-top, deep-fried Kool-Aid does not even seem possible. After all, how do you deep-fry a drink? Obviously, is has been proven possible by the procedure stated above, however, we are still left with the question: Why? This carnival treat holds absolutely no nutritional value. The only thing it provides is an overload in sugar and fat. Since this is obviously not consumed for the health benefits, one would think it is for the taste. But who ever really drinks Kool-aid and thinks "this sugary drink would be perfect if only it were fried in oil." Well, clearly someone did. 

Overall, I think deep-fried Kool-aid could be considered bizarre to many because it an unexpected mixture, as well as completely unnecessary. I wonder what the next bizarre carnival treat will be that can top this one. :)

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